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Electromagnetic compatibility test standards and other test items for charging piles of new energy vehicles
Release time: 2017-12-15Views: 968

Main criteria

◆ GB t 18487.1-2015 General requirements for conductive charging system of electric vehicles

◆ GB t 18487.2-2001 electric vehicle conductive charging system requirements for connection between electric vehicle and AC / DC power supply

◆ GB t 18487.3-2001 electric vehicle conductive charging system electric vehicle AC / DC charger (station)

◆ gb/t 20234.1-2015 connecting devices for conductive charging of electric vehicles Part 1: General requirements

◆ gb/t 20234.2-2015 connecting devices for conductive charging of electric vehicles Part 2: AC charging interface

◆ gb/t 20234.3-2015 connecting devices for conductive charging of electric vehicles Part 3: DC charging interface

◆ gb/t 27930-2015 communication protocol between electric vehicle off board conductive charger and battery management system

◆ nb/t 33001-2010 technical conditions for off board conductive charger of electric vehicles

◆ nb/t 33002-2010 technical requirements for AC charging piles of electric vehicles

◆ nb/t 33008.1-2013 specification for inspection and test of electric vehicle charging equipment Part 1: off board charger

◆ qc/t 895-2011 conductive on-board charger for electric vehicles

Electrical characteristic test function

◆ input and output characteristic test

◆ input harmonic detection

◆ ripple test

◆ current and voltage stabilization test

◆ efficiency test

Protection function test function

◆ short circuit protection test

◆ overvoltage protection test

◆ overload protection test

◆ over power protection test

Output response function test function

◆ connect impulse current

◆ turn off voltage

◆ set response time

EMC test function

◆ electrostatic discharge immunity test

◆ radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation immunity test

◆ electrical fast transient burst immunity test

◆ surge (impact) immunity test

◆ immunity test of voltage sag, short interruption and voltage change

Safety test function

◆ voltage withstand test

◆ insulation resistance

◆ leakage current

Environmental test function

◆ high and low temperature test

◆ damp heat test

◆ salinity test

◆ pneumatic test

Other functions

◆ multi point temperature detection

◆ can signal quality test

◆ automatic code scanning

Typical test items

◆ connection confirmation test

◆ self inspection phase test

◆ charging readiness test

◆ start up and charging phase test

◆ normal charging end test

◆ charging connection control sequence test

◆ abnormal charging test

◆ output error test

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